From “the birthplace of industry” I continued on into the delightful Shropshire countryside.
Thursday 8th September 2016
Walked into Ironbridge centre, bought Wuthering Heights in second hand bookshop, inspired by walking through Brontë country a few days prior. The sun shined, so I took my time, and set off towards [the town of] Much Wenlock.
A nice historic little town, but let down by the automated public toilets, which really did not suit the character of the town and were not well maintained (I don’t remember specifically what was wrong but there is almost always a problem with these machines, perhaps missing soap, or worse the soap is full but the tap doesn’t work). Even when these machines are in working order, it is so frustrating to be taken through a strict hand washing process of soap, water, dryer, then to find the water and dryer don’t run long enough so the whole process has to be repeated two more times to wash the soap off and get dry. Rant over.
Checked out the church and picked up supplies, then started along Wenlock Edge. Passed Major’s Leap, a haunted viewpoint, and had lunch.
The story goes that a Major on horseback during the English civil war was fleeing from Cromwell’s troops and found himself on Wenlock Edge. Rather than surrender, he (and horse) leapt off the edge. He survived because his fall was broken by an apple tree, however his horse died in the fall and now haunts this viewpoint.
Arrived at Wilderhope Manor – fantastic old Elizabethan house. Cooked dinner then relaxed in candlelit lounge.
I was not visiting aristocratic friends. Wilderhope Manor is now a youth hostel – I was staying there for a tenner!
Distance: 14.8 miles [view on map]