Wednesday 3rd August 2016
I woke up to a wet and midgy environment near the River Loyne. After packing up, over a pass to Glen Garry. Next walking along tracks through forestry, and into the hills on a clear but wet path. Had to ford numerous rivers – in one case it was too deep but I was able to shimmy across deer fencing. Over the tallest Bealach [mountain pass] of the trail, there was no path. This was extremely exhausting, more so given that my snacks were limited.
Finally a walk around Loch Arkaig to a bothy – Invermallie, on the way meeting a guy who had been working on it, then meeting five lads from Warwick inside with the fires roaring.
Distance: 19.5 miles [view on map]
Spending: £0
Mood: 🙁 -> 🙂